What parents are saying.
“Encourage learning about different cultures/languages. Great to see both the languages are evident around the centre. (Māori and English)”
— One of our amazing Parents
“The children's social interactions are very much exposed. Our child is not shy anymore, she is beginning to talk and ask everything she likes to know. Thank you for all the effort in teaching her!”
— One of our amazing Parents
“We chose Fun Place as we felt their focus on nurturing and further developing our children's interests through play align with our values of child lead learning! We really enjoy the regular engagement we receive through Storypark, and appreciate the caring and kind environment our children spend time in.”
— One of our amazing Parents
What ERO has to say about us
“Children benefit from a broad and rich curriculum that provides learning opportunities in Te Whāriki, including education for sustainability and inquiry learning. Children experience learning in mathematics, literacy and science which are well integrated into their play by teachers”.
“Positive relationships between teachers, children and their whanau provide sound foundations for learning built on respect and trust. Teachers understand whānau aspirations and expectations, and work in partnership to achieve them”.
“Children up to the age of two years benefit from warm and supportive relationships with their teachers. The programme is responsive to home routines and parent care preferences for children which promotes their sense of belonging”.
For the full findings of ERO visit: