Fun Place Kindergarten


About our Centre

Fun Place Turua is a quality, well-resourced private kindergarten in Turua with a large learning environment nestled amongst houses on 437 Huaraki Road. This beautiful kindergarten is often referred to as the ‘hidden gem’ of Turua.

A Private Kindergarten at your doorstep in Turua…

Fun Place Turua is a kindergarten licensed for 28 children aged from 2-5 years old

We have an environment where children are encouraged to explore, question, investigate and discover. The kindergarten programme offers children an environment that is stimulating, inviting and challenging. We place a high level of trust in our children as capable and competent learners and therefore provide tools such as hot glue guns for them to use. The skills and knowledge gained from our programme help all children prepare for the transition to primary school. We organize local school visits when the time is right to ensure children comfortably transition to the next step.

Our values and philosophy

At Fun Place Kindergarten we believe in the importance of sustainable practices including recycling, reducing waste, composting, Gardening, and water catchment (in water tanks). We do our best to look after our beautiful Papatūānuku (Earth Mother)

We believe in the value of whānau and community involvement. We welcome and encourage participation and contributions from parents, whānau and the wider learning community in order to support our collaborative approach to teaching.

At Fun Place Kindergarten, we actively promote healthy eating and physical activity as we believe in an holistic approach to every child’s learning and development.

Licensed for 28 children aged between 2 - 5 Years old

Minimum of two, 6 hour days enrolment required.

Children aged 3-5 years are entitled to 20 free ECE hours. (maximum of 6 hours per day)

Our Fees

Childcare subsidy (WINZ) forms available from A Fun Place.

If your childcare fees are not fully covered by WINZ or the 20 hours free then your child’s fee will be $7.00 per hour

Opening Hours

Open Monday to Friday
8.00am - 4.30pm

Visit Us

Fun Place Kindergarten

437 Hauraki Road,
Turua, 3574
New Zealand


027 565 6200



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